Thursday, October 11, 2018

Fire Safety Presentation

October is traditionally fire safety month, so the Armour Fire Department is good about coming in to talk to the kids.  The teachers also teach fire safety to their class.  One thing they showed the kids is that a fireman looks very different in their gear and if they come to rescue a child, they shouldn't be scared.  Not all of the kindergartners are pictured because a few of them did not want to try on the gear.  Here are things that people need to know:

  1. Check your smoke alarms to make sure they're working.
  2. Be careful around: birthday candles, candles, campfires, fire places, the stove, etc.
  3. If your clothes catch on fire -Stop, drop and roll.
  4. If you leave a burning building - Get out and stay out.
  5. In an emergency - call 911 and stay on the line until they tell you to hang up.
  6. Kids should know two ways out of their bedroom and they should know where the family meeting place is.

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