Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Our Big Project at the Local Lake

Our Reading vocabulary words,which we call "Amazing Words" for this week are: proud, cooperation, preparation, creation, and guide.  These fit in great for one of our problem-based learning project for this year.  

Today we walked out to the lake in town and met a team of high school students from the Skills USA group and their teacher, Mr. Barker.  We discussed why we would want a bird feeding station at the lake, where it would go and how we would need their help to design and build it.  The kindergartners and I held hands to make a large circle and then we moved to a spot that wouldn't be too close to the road, but would be somewhat close to the trees, so that the birds could fly to cover, if a hawk came after them.  The high school students and Mr. Barker did some measurements and discussed some interesting things about building it.  

Afterwards, the k-kids and I discussed the season of summer, so we could come back and write about it as a class.  It is still summer until September 23rd.  Kindergartners need to know about the seasons for part of their science and math standards.  We noticed some signs of summer: the grass and leaves were green, the weather was hot, the apples were green on the trees and there were many insects around.

This girl found a dead Cicada on the way.

We thought the blue damselflies were cool!

Here they are on the bridge!

We moved our circle to just the right spot.

Here are the kids who cooperated and prepared
a creation that they will be proud of when its completed

We had to sit at the picnic table to look for
and discuss the signs of summer. 

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